Dadap area - Indonesia
With the establishment of the cleanup ecosystem in Dadap, we are currently employing nine locals being part of the ReSea Project cleanup team. Under normal circumstances, they are fishermen living of catching fish, squid, octopus, shellfish, shrimps, stingray, anchovies, and seaweed. But now they are supporting their income by being part of tackling plastic pollution and cleaning plastic from Dadap river and sea. Scroll your way down to learn more about the strategic reason for choosing Dadap as an operational area for our cleanup mission and the impact caused by our presence.
So let's get started.
Have a closer look at the map below to learn about the geographical area followed by the answers to why our presence in Dadap is so important.
Reason #1
The cancelled
reclamation project
Jakarta planned a huge island reclamation project in 2014, with plans of building 17 artificial islands as part of the Giant Sea Wall project to mitigate the high rate of land disappearing every year as seawater encroaches further inland. After completing four of the islands – one of them which lies in the Dadap Sea (marked on the map), the government pulled the plug due to environmental concerns.
With the reclamation island in the Dadap Sea, the environmental consequences have meant a drop in the ability to catch fish by more than 60%!
The fishermen in Dadap struggle to make a living out of catching fish and need to go further out on the sea to catch fish. Removing plastic supports their income significantly and helps improve living standards.
Reason #2
Waste management
As the image on the map and the left indicates, the Dadap area is struggling with waste mismanagement and huge amounts of plastic being discarded in the natural environment. The reason for this is that the local district government considers the area inhabited by squatters, and for that reason, the government has neglected the area from public cleaning services. Large parts of the waste end up littering the river, which eventually is flowing into the ocean.
Assessment: The Impact
By setting up our cleanup ecosystem in Dadap we are, thanks to your commitment and support, on the right path do make an incredible impact and encounter several important issues:
With poor conditions for the fishermen to make a living, employing them to join our cleanup team helps provide decent work, economic growth, and fighting poverty, which contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 1 and 8.
By setting up our operations in Dadap we are tackling the immense problems with plastic pollution in the area, both in the river and sea. We have set up storage facilities in the area for the collected plastic, and from there it's distributed to a waste handling facility. As our impact grows in Dadap our ambitions are to raise awareness in the area of proper waste handling and send a clear message to government officials to work together on a waste management solution for the community, and thereby put an end to plastic pollution in Dadap.
Meet the nine fishermen in Dadap, who are part of the ReSea Project cleanup team. This is only possible thanks to your company and for our growing movement tackling the ocean plastic crisis!