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Involving trade partners and consumers by removing the equivalent of 10 plastic bottles from oceans and rivers for every bottle of wine sold.


“The reason we partner with ReSea is one word: verified.

I think we have an obligation – not only to ourselves but to our customers – that any claim we make with our wine, we can 100% back it up with our actions"

Justin Moran, co-founder The Hidden Sea


A brand story with an impact

The Hidden Sea Wine  is an Australian no-nonsense premium wine company making wines that matter for people who care. For every bottle sold The Hidden Sea removes the equivalent to 10 single-use plastic bottles via ReSea Project from oceans and rivers. They have set an ambitious goal: To remove the equivalent to 1 billion plastic bottles before 2030.


The vineyards in South Australia were once covered by a vast ocean and home to a thriving marine ecosystem. The Hidden Sea does not only see their commitment to stop ocean plastic pollution as a great match with their story - it is also a strong message that meets the expectations of consumers, who can now drink wine and make a real difference at the same time. 


"We are not creating another drinking moment.
We are creating a movement."

The Hidden Sea 

Our partnership and results as told by the co-founder of the Hidden Sea

Case story The Hidden Sea Wine
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Positive response by trade, consumers and media

The Hidden Sea ran a test case in Australia with gondolas in six stores with the message THIS WINE SAVES THE SEA and saw an uptake in sales by three times. Since then, they have successfully made saving the ocean part of their brand DNA and have successfully grown their brand and presence over just a few years with distribution in some of the biggest retailers in Australia and UK.

Media has caught up on the unique wine brand with a clear mission to save the sea and their story is shared across international media channels such as The Guardian, The Times and Daily Mail. 


"We saw an upstake in sales by three times just   because of that

 simple message" 

HS Gondola End 4.png


Simple and effective


Their clear message allows The Hidden Sea to communicate their impact with confidence via website, social media and in-store. Printed on-product is the official ReSea Project badge and a QR code for a customized landing page created for The Hidden Sea by ReSea Project.


The QR code enables consumers to scan the code and access their landing page with collection data, visuals and storytelling about how The Hidden Sea and their consumers together make a real and measurable difference for our Ocean.

”Anybody can be a part of this. We can all give a little bit back to change the impact of plastics having on our environment”


Justin Moran, co-founder The Hidden Sea

ReSea Project at Muara Baru Jakarta-0837


Change starts with action. Join the movement for a better future for our planet and people.

ReSea Project ApS

Tuborg Havnevej 15



+45 70 224 080

On behalf of passionate companies worldwide we clean oceans and rivers from plastic waste and push the agenda for a plastic-free ocean.

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